The APACE (meaning swiftly, quickly) method is a simple and efficient auditory-verbal method to improve focus and help effectively complete tasks at home or at work. It structures the functions involved when carrying out a task, specifically: planning, memorization, focus, mental agility and selective inhibition (retaining pertinent information and eliminating distraction)
This method can be applied anywhere, by anyone, and for any task that requires graphic, delivery or motor skills.
All you need is the APACE labels and a timer (watch, hourglass, stopwatch…)
When used regularly, the method provides two main benefits: tasks are competed well and users are conscious of their progress, which increases motivation. Users become less distracted, more focused, and more efficient.
APACE was created by Anne Weber, founder of IN MEN WE TRUST. The practice is based on the work of the ViolaineVerschoore, a certified psycho-motor therapist. Originally created to help gifted students, the method is useful for everyone, adults and children, regardless of their IQ. We are pleased to share this tool with you for your personal use.
If you have a question or comment, or wish to use the method in a group setting or for business purposes, please contact me.
You can download the method and visuals here: